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Angie Dubis

Angie Dubis M.A., CMT, HHP

I began my massage education as a small child poking elbows in my dad's back! Since then my thirst for knowledge and my passion for helping those in pain heal themselves seems to be limitless. As a professional educator in the Massage and Bodywork industry for over 9 years, I consider teaching massage to students, clients and their families an opportunity to share my passion for helping those in pain heal themselves. I am truly blessed for I not only love my job, but consider it to be more who I am than what I do!

I understand that pain can be experienced on many levels, including physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. As a result my education is wide and varied for I have sought resources to aid me in refining my therapeutic skills in each of these areas. For example, I hold a Masters degree in Counseling, although I do not practice counseling and am not a licensed counselor. My intention in all therapies offered at A Comfortable Place is to help clients release pain (regardless of source) so they may become healthier and happier by being more centered, focused, aware, and in control of their own pain cycles.

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